The Ultimate DIY Course
This course is designed to provide you generational knowledge and continuous education.
Psst.. here's a secret about most of these DIY courses online; they probably have 70-80% of the same info. A lot of them are the EXACT same course w/ a different logo. IMO the instructor and continuous education is what sets my course apart in addition to the content.
Your instructor
I'm from DC and after 6 yrs in the Navy I somehow ended up in Dallas, TX. I've spent 6 years in the mortgage industry between being a loan officer and underwriter. This is important because I can break down real life scenarios for you and show you how this actually impacts lending decision. For instance inquiries DO NOT MATTER when applying for a mortgage. I've never seen anyone denied due to inquires in 6+ years (over 1000 applicants).
So what's in the course?
💻Bi-weekly Zoom calls to answer whatever questions you have while you're DIY'ing
👨🏽💻A Facebook community of like minded people seeking the same goals. You can drop your questions there too.
📝 15+ dispute letters for different scenario (actually 100 but I don't want to overwhelm you)
The course is 90+ minutes of video broken into 15 segments
- How to dispute lates, collections, inquires, charge offs, bankruptcies, foreclosures & repossessions
- Breakdown of the FCRA (what governs the industry)
- Breakdown of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (what debt collectors can/cant do)
- -Budgeting
- -How to dispute (collections, charge-off, repos, bankruptcies, lates, inquires, etc.)
Still not convinced email me at or shoot me a DM.
See you inside, Dave
LBR Agency LLC est. 2021
The DIY Course